Sunday, April 01, 2007

Bob Minkin's Party - 3/16/07

I did not realize until last night that I hardly mentioned this wonderful party. I love Bob Minkin and his photographs speak for themselves but in addition to Bob, there were so many additional wonderful rock photographers there - Jay Blakesburg (his book is GREAT, IMHO), Ed Perlstein (who took my very favorite picture, ever, of David Nelson), Susanna Millman, Susan Weiand, and Robert Altman (who took my very favorite picture, ever, of John "Marmaduke" Dawson).

Bob emailed me a link to the party photos so I am putting some of them up on the blog.

The ubiquitous Barry Sless and almost as ubiquitous Chris Rowan

Bob Minkin (center) flanked by Pete Sears on the left and Barry Sless on the right (well, you did not really think I was going to leave off posting photos of the Nelson guys, did you???

Barry Sless and Martin Fierro
Three of the greatest photographers in rock and roll. L to R, Jay Blakesburg, Robert Altman, Bob Minkin

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