Sunday, December 17, 2006

Skin Again

Ok, a couple more things... NEVER leave the house without sunscreen on your face. I mean NEVER. The worst burn I ever got was through the window of a car, in the fog, on I-5 en route to see the New Riders at UCLA. By the time we got to Los Angeles, my face was bright red. Nobody could believe it. I spent several hours in the room at the Beverly Rodeo hotel (it was a cool little boutique hotel on Rodeo Drive, gone now) with cucumbers all over my face, trying to calm it down. So anyway, I always make sure I have some sort of sunscreen on. The Laszlo Tinted Treatment (which is the actual name, not tinted moisturizer) has SPF 15. If I am actually going to be outside or in sun, I use a product called Shade Sunblock with a SPF 45 and no PABA. If, despite all precautions, I still get burned, I go to the dermatologist immediately and often use an anti-fungal powder to speed the healing.

Also, every so often, I exfoliate my face using CLARINS Doux Peeling Gommage. That is my favorite - you can put it directly on dry skin, let it set in for a minute or two, and then gently rub your face and the top layer of skin falls off. It's messy but I do it over the sink. Once in awhile, I also use Susan Lucci's Youthful Essence crystals and her massage tool to work them into my skin. I like that product a lot, too, but felt the cost for refills was prohibitive since you had to refill the whole regimen at once instead of just the crystals, which is the only thing I use (not wild about the liquid face wash or moisturizers).

Never underestimate the power of water, either. My skin does much better if I can get down the recommended 8 glasses of water per day. Not easy sometimes.

And one final thing, if you are dying to try Laszlo but the prices seem a bit steep (adding it up, I now see where my disposable income goes), try going to the Laszlo counter (Nordstrom, Bloomingdale's, Neiman Marcus, Saks) (I really recommend Nordstrom in the Glendale, CA Galleria) and asking for a consult. They will give you free samples to try. Then, do as I now do - search EBAY for the best deals on the products you want. I just got a real deal on the pHelityl Oil and often find deals on the soap and Transphuse.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mizshely....thanks for the tips. Makes me want to go have a facial and try that product! I have used Mary Kay for a long time....sick,all those pink jars. Hope things are going well with you. I like to check your blog every couple of days to see what's new and to click on those ads. Hopefully I am helping to make you rich....ha, ha. Have a great day.....the sun is shining in Portland again. Wow, we had some wild wind here and lost power for a couple of days. Sure glad that didn't happen when the NRs were here.....hmmm NRPS acoustic, wouldn't be the same. Happy Holidays! Sheree

Mizshely said...

Acoustic New Riders sure does sound a bit strange, that is for sure. Acoustic DN, well, definitely.

Mary Kay, huh? Did you ever see that Kim Basinger film, "Elvis Has Left The Building"? She plays a Mary-Kay style (complete with pink everything) cosmetics rep who keeps running into Elvis imerpsonators who end up dead by accident. Actually pretty funny and I always like looking at John Corbett.

Anonymous said...

When "my" MK comes over she dresses in this cream color suit with a pinkish coral colored blouse. Her make-up is PERFECT. And of course, I am usually in a panic trying to get out of town (you know the drill, you suddenly discover you are out of sunscreen and leaving town today)>dressed in sweats and looking like the unkempt fat housewife, oy.She is tall and skinny......probabaly never had an ounce of fat on her. And, I think she just likes to visit with me. There are advantages of having delivery service. Do you still have the same email? I got a couple of nice pics of DN (at least I love them) that I would like to share with you but, not the whole world. S

Mizshely said...

Email me at mizshely AT gmail DOT com. pistolpackinmama DOT com is still without a server.