Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Never a Dull Moment

Today is beautiful in Marin County: a sunny and relatively clear follow-up to the storms of the past several days. Koukla really wanted to go outside and play, so I let her on the deck. There she stood, at the gate to the backyard, giving me a look that said "let me down in that yard so I can run and play and be a doggie." And so, against my better judgment, I did. She ran around the yard for a few minutes and stopped by the edge of the pool. I said, "No no Koukie, come to Mommy," and she started to run to me, lost her footing and slid into the icy water. I can only say that those forced swimming lessons paid off handsomely, she swam her little heart out, staying all the while along the edge of the pool and heading for the stairs. I made it down there in record time and pulled her out. Once in the house, I plunged her in to a warm water bath, toweled her off and then used the blow dryer on her before putting her in the bed with me where she huddled against me for some time. She seems fine now, running around the house and terrorizing any paper goods that have been left in her vicinity. I will keep an eye on her and report back. God, with my nose problems and her heart problems, we did not need this!

1 comment:

DebGrabien said...

Oh, man - is she okay? Are YOU okay?